比较文化研究(复旦大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Encounter 1: Learning in Two Civilizations 单元测验1

1、 What is the major route to success in traditional Confucius value?

答案: Formal education

2、 Which language adapted to accommodate Greek philosophizing?

答案: Latin

3、 Which one is not true about the Bologna University?

答案: In Bologna University, the teacher is not in an authoritative position.

4、 Which one is wrong about Chinese and western languages?

答案: Understanding usually comes before memorization when children learn Chinese characters

5、 Which one is not the traditional commonality between China and the west?

答案: Only a male elite is literate – in both worlds.

6、 What are included in the Athens model below?

答案: Gymnastics and military training;
Memorization of classic texts;
Initiation to music;
Learning words

7、 What do you know about the medieval debates in European Universities?

答案: Professors were commonly paid by students for lectures or examinations;
Debate format to establish the Truth;
The more successful debaters had more students.

8、 What do you consider right about the traditional Chinese learning model?

答案: Success is defined to be a civil service position.;
The goal is the take the imperial exams based on memorizing key classics.;
A civil servant means status and income, and it glorifies and illuminates one’s ancestors

9、 What will happen in the western modern learning?

答案: Agon/debate still prevails. The modern time version is probably the presidential debate.;
The Socratic approach to teaching is also prevalant.;
Argumentative writing prevails Western curriculum

10、 Which aspects are true about the Chinese modern learning?

答案: Examinations still prevail, especially Gaokao;
Impartation of knowledge is the learning approach.;
There has been a rising trend to train argumentative writing in today’s curriculum

11、 In the West, the young children are typically brought up by their grandparents.

答案: 错误

12、 Spartan in modern English means stripped down, bare, physically challenging.

答案: 正确

13、 As for the western thinking, the best argument “wins” based on evidence and credibility.

答案: 正确

14、 “An unexamined life is not worth living” implies ongoing critical analysis

答案: 正确

15、 Accuracy or precision is much more valued by western teachers than Chinese teachers.

答案: 错误

16、 Learning basically means _______.
答案: how to join your home culture

17、 Athens is the place of “higher education” which is featured by____.
答案: agonistic debate

18、 ____ points to excellent leadership.
答案: Mastery of rhetoric and oral argumentation

19、 In the traditional Kongzi Values, the first thing that one learns is “____”
答案: deference to its internal hierarchy

20、 In Chinese tradition training, learning as training (e.g., memorization) intimately connected with ___.
答案: morality

Encounter 2: Families in Two Civilizations (II) 单元测验2

1、 Which one is not the commonality between traditional Chinese and western families?

答案: Monogamy

2、 Which one is wrong about Adam and Eve?

答案:  Eve is given life directly by God

3、 Which one is wrong about traditional Judeo-Christian view of family?

答案:  Parents, not God, considered creator of children

4、 What will not happen in Ban Zhao’s married life?

答案:  Her husband allowed her an “equal” portion in their married life

5、 What might not happen in the modern western families?

答案: Americans, followed by Europeans, have lost faith in marriage and often give up on their current marriage.

6、 What’s true about the traditional rationales for patriarchal families of Confucian philosophy?

答案: Xiao 孝 obligations to parents as life-givers;
Transfers to zhong 忠 as allegiance to emperor as father-figure;
Loyalty ultimately to father, not the State 

7、 What’s the feature of Chinese centrality of xiao?

答案:  A durable value in Chinese civilization;
Life-long obligations of children to parents;
Family as model for the larger social world

8、 What’s wrong about wives and children in Traditional China?

答案:  The immortality is achieved through prolongation of family line through children, without end;
To maximize the number of offspring, a Chinese man may have multiple wives or concubines if affordable.;
Adoption of a male child a last resort;
There are three ways of failing Xiao, the worst is to have no children.

9、 What are the results of temptation?

答案:  All humans are born flawed, liable to “sin”;
Christianity teaches that salvation from sin/death comes through belief in Jesus ;
For Christians, human sexuality becomes self-conscious with the Fall of Man;
Celibacy becomes a higher calling

10、 What causes western divorces?

答案:  Higher expectations: 2/3 initiated by women, though they suffer economically afterwards;
Ideas of self-realization;
Women, if more educated, now have jobs/careers/economic independence;
No-fault divorce laws (1970s) make it easier.

11、 In the Roman Paterfamilias, Father of the family had absolute authority of life and death over wife, children and slaves.

答案: 正确

12、 In the West, modernity began during the Renaissance, about 14th century. In China, however, modernity began with the declining of Qing Dynasty in late 19th century.

答案: 正确

13、 Modernity is a simple process which develops forward in a linear way.

答案: 错误

14、 Gender equality has been achieved completely now in China.

答案: 错误

15、 A typical modern Chinese family is child-centered.

答案: 正确

16、 Chinese families and western families all belong to__ families.
答案: patriarchal

17、 The first & crucial act of Western civilization is man’s____.
答案: disobedience

18、 Modernity gains momentum through _______.
答案: industrialization and urbanization

19、 With respect to the marriage and divorce, the Chinese way of living stresses constraints and the West stresses ____.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)personal choice;
individual choice

20、 The consequence of Western value placed on individual choices about the birth rate is ____.
答案: the declining birth rate





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