中国茶世界之旅 智慧树答案2024版100分完整版



第一章 单元测试


1、The most famous and professional book on tea and tea culture is ().

A 《茶经》
B 《本草纲目》
C 《诗经》
D 《茶说》
答案  《茶经》

2、There are mainly four producing areas in China, all distributed in the south  southern areas(华南茶区), southwestern areas(西南茶区), Jiangnan areas(江南茶区), and ( ).

A Jiangxi areas(江西茶区).
B Hubei areas(湖北茶区).
C Jiangbei areas(江北茶区).
D Jiangzhong areas(江中茶区).
答案  Jiangbei areas(江北茶区).

3、The tea plant is an (),()shrub of the genus Camellia(山茶属), having fragrant ()flowers which is extensively cultivated in China, the main producing area, India, Southeast Asia.

A evergreen(常绿)
B perennial(多年生的)
C yellow
D white
答案  evergreen(常绿),perennial(多年生的),white

4、In Tang Dynasty, as it widely extended,tea became a wider drinking beverage in people’s daily life.

A 对
B 错
答案  对

5、Japanese tea ceremony were derived from Chinese tea culture.

A 对
B 错
答案  对

第二章 单元测试

1、以下属于绿茶的是( )

A 西湖龙井
B 正山小种
C 银针白毫
D 铁观音
答案  西湖龙井


A 红茶
B 黄茶
C 绿茶
D 普洱茶
答案  绿茶

3、“乌龙茶”的英文是( )

A Green tea
B Black tea
C Oolong tea
D Yellow tea
答案  Oolong tea

4、红茶类属于全发酵茶类,茶叶颜色深褐油亮,茶汤色泽( )。

A 橙色
B 红亮
C 紫红
D 黄色
答案  红亮

5、世界三大高香茶是( )、印度大吉岭茶、斯里兰卡乌伐季节茶。

A 西湖龙井
B 祁门红茶
C 安溪铁
D 台湾冻顶乌龙
答案  祁门红茶





