大学英语综合教程(高级)(郑州科技学院) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit1 Man and Nature Unit Test

1、 Which of the following is replaceable resource? 

答案: geothermal energy

2、 Which of the following is irreplaceable resource? 

答案: petroleum

3、 Which one is NOT man’s transformation of nature? 

答案: Man has found a way to forecast the weather.

4、 Which one is NOT the description of our ancestors in the past? 

答案: They could easily get natural resources with their perfect tools.

5、 Which one belongs to synthetic material? 

答案: nylon

6、 To solve the crisis of man-nature relation, we should _____? 

答案: find a rational balance between production and care for Mother nature.

7、 Which one is a nature-friendly behavior?

答案: using public transportation.

8、 Which one is NOT the role of Amazon rainforest in the earth ecosystem?

答案: providing farm lands

9、 The natural order of an English sentence should be ______. 

答案: subject+ predicate+ object

10、 Which one is NOT an inverted English sentence?

答案: A picture hangs on the wall.

11、 Which of the following is not considered as a natural disaster?

答案: Raining

12、 The Amazon Rainforest is located in ___. 

答案: South America

13、 What is the main idea of paragraph one?

答案: Man lives in nature.

14、 According to the author, why are synthetic materials especially appealing to young people?

答案: Because they are usually cheap.

15、 Which one is the wrong attitude towards nature?

答案: Man should fight with nature and conquer it.

16、 We are connected with nature by _____ ties and we cannot live outside nature.
答案: blood

17、 As society develops, man tends to become less _ on nature directly, while indirectly his dependence grows.
答案: dependent

18、 Modern technology is distinguished by an ever increasing abundance of produced and used ______ goods.
答案: synthetic

19、 Man is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the ____ he drinks and the food he eats.
答案: water

20、 Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never ____ you.” 
答案: fail

21、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect      impractical     imbalance     independent     inevitable   irreplaceable        It was totally  ____ to think that we could finish the job in two months. 
答案: impractical

22、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect      impractical     imbalance     independent     inevitable   irreplaceable      We all have our own life, learning to be ____.
答案: independent

23、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:imperfect      impractical     imbalance     independent     inevitable   irreplaceable     You are  ____, the one and the only.  
答案: irreplaceable

24、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:imperfect      impractical     imbalance     independent     inevitable   irreplaceable     We are not alone in the world so that it is ____ to make connection with each other. 
答案: inevitable

25、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: imperfect      impractical     imbalance     independent     inevitable   irreplaceable      In the enterprise, inventory is a “reservoir”, regulating the ____ between the production and demand.
答案: imbalance

Unit 2 Man and Technology Unit Test

1、 Who wrote a famous paper entitled “ Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?” in 1974?

答案: Richard Easterlin

2、 In what field does technology impose the most influence on people’s sense of well-being?

答案: Healthcare

3、 Which of the following is NOT James’s publications?

答案: The Contemporary Reader

4、 According to the supplementary reading material, when can pupils at French schools use their smartphones?

答案:  at the age of 15

5、 Who writes the quote “The production of too many useful things results in too many good useless people”?

答案: Karl Marx

6、 Studies show that if a working environment is pleasant, productivity ___. 

答案: increases

7、 According to the text, which is the one that was deemed a luxury in America? 

答案:  long-distance phone call 

8、 What is not the downside of technology’s impact?

答案: cyber bully

9、 According to the text, which is the region that did not enjoy material and technological advances in the 20th century?

答案: Africa

10、 Even though Americans seemed to work extraordinarily hard, their pursuit ____ entertainment turned media and leisure into multibillion-dollar industries.

答案: of

11、 People are much better informed since the ____ of television.  

答案: advent 

12、  It’s as if ____ were built into acquisition from the very beginning.

答案: disappointment

13、 The truly ____ work on the relationship between prosperity and well-being was done by the economist Richard Easterlin.

答案: groundbreaking

14、 One of the happiness scholar’s most important insights is that people ____ very quickly to good news. 

答案: adapt

15、 According to the article, which government approved a total ban on mobile use for pupils up to the age of 15?

答案: the French government

16、 Driverless cars or self-driving cars are robotic cars driven by___. 
答案: artificial intelligence

17、 With mobile payment becoming ubiquitous, the Chinese society is becoming gradually ___. 
答案: cashless

18、 Telemarketing, traffic jams and identity theft all come to mind, which all ___ making people consciously unhappy are.
答案: phenomena

19、 In the United States, for instance, gross domestic product per capita ___ from 1950 to 2000.
答案: tripled

20、 The ___ in productivity after World War Second made goods better and cheaper at the same time. 
答案: boom

Unit 3 Fame and Success Unit Test


1、 At the end of the text, the author says “good luck ” to those who desperately seek fame and fortune to ___.

答案:  warn people to be cautious about the result of chasing fame

2、 What does an artist have to do to stay famous according to the author? 

答案: The performer has to continue performing in the same style.

3、 For the reason why people chase fame, the author mentions several except ____.

答案: to become rich and famous

4、 In the sentence “Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and reputation, it takes you out of you” (Paragraph 5), the underlined part means ____.

答案: fame may make you lose yourself

5、 In Paragraph 3 “Fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “celebrity” means ___.

答案:  reputation 

6、 In Paragraph3, “Fame brings celebrity and high regard from loyal fas in each field.”, here “regard” means ___.

答案: admiration

7、 In Paragraph 3, “…failure often serves as its own reward for many people”, means ____.

答案:  people tend to be more tolerant towards or sympathetic with the one who fails

8、 In the sentence “If you do catch it, hang on for dear life.”(Paragraph 6) , “for dear life” means ____

答案: with the greatest possible effort

9、 To avoid plagiarism, it’s important to cite the information to ___ in your paraphrasing.

答案:  honor the author

10、 Ludwig van Beethoven is mentioned as an example of some famous failurs in the text to prove that ___.

答案:  some failure for some people at ceratin times can be motivating

11、 For those who ___ fame, they have to risk their own privacy.

答案: seek 

12、 She quit the office job since she was ____ repeating the routine.

答案:  tired of

13、 Please ___ to the rail while walking along the bridge.

答案: hang on

14、 The local labor union ____ a campaign against the increase of tax.

答案: launched

15、 In the sentence “Fame is very much like an animal chasing his own tail”, the author uses the rhetorical device of ___ to show the negative result of pursuing fame. 
答案: simile

16、 According to the author, it’s easier for the artist becomes the slave of his or her own success because of the______.
答案: public demands

17、  In order to maintain coherence of the writing, the author states his stand very clearly with a bunch of _____ words, like “chasing the tail”, “find excuses”, “desperately” and ect.
答案: negative

18、 The very first step of paraphrasing is to ____. 
答案: understand the original sentence

19、 Paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message.
答案: own word choices

20、 The civil administration promises that they would not turn___ anyone who comes to the relief center for help.

答案: away

21、 The masses are more likely to replace an unchanging ritual by ___which changes often as possible in the economic interest of certain people. 

答案: fashion

22、 Equal employment shall be accorded to all qualified individuals without ___ to color or sex.

答案: regard

23、 My child ____ to my apron, and would not let go. 

答案: hung on

24、 Her first novel was __ by over 30 publishers.

答案: rejected

25、 Children under 14 years old must be ___ by adults. 

答案: accompanied

26、 He failed to convince the jury ___ his innocence. 

答案: of

27、 The local policeman __ the man to the FBI.

答案: turned over

28、 It was so dark and cold in the tunnel that Little Tom ___ his father’s hand in fear. 

答案: gripped

29、 He was swimming __ toward the sea shore. 

答案: for dear life

30、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard        G. delighted       H.   target      I. publicity         J. chase  The local newspaper has ___ a compaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.
答案: A

31、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted     H.   target        I. publicity        J. chase A __ may have to live in a goldfish bowl and can hardly have his or her privacy.
答案: C

32、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard       G. delighted     H.   target      I. publicity     J. chase Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has become a frequent __ of criticism from the public these days.
答案: H

33、 Fill in the blanks with the following words:(答案只填写字母代码) A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chase The film star’s third marriage got a lot of ___.
答案: I

34、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chaseHis parents held him in high _ and they supported his decision to be an actor. 
答案: F

35、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chaseOur new product enjoys __ throughout the world. 
答案: D

36、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chaseFood is ___ provided for the refugees and free of charge.
答案: B

37、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chaseIf strangers should venture into that field, the bull will ______ them. 
答案: J

38、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently   C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard         G. delighted      H.   target       I. publicity         J. chaseThe _ applauded at the end of the concert. 
答案: E

39、 Fill in the blanks with the following words: (答案只填写字母代码)A.     launched     B. sufficiently     C. celebrity    D. popularity     E. audienceF.      regard        G. delighted         H. target         I. publicity        J. chase My wife was very much ______ that all the things had returned to normal once more.
答案: G

Unit 4 Work and Career Unit Test

1、 How many college student failed to land a job in 2017?

答案: A. 1 million.

2、 What kind of students had comparatively less stress in the job market in 2013 (video 1)?

答案: C. Those from vocational schools.

3、 Which of the following is not the factor contributing to anxiety of student?

答案: B. Heavy financial burden.

4、 What does not cause the declining employment rate?

答案: C. Unwillingness to shoulder responsibility.

5、 Which is not the solution to the problem of unemployment?

答案: D. Salary increase.

6、 How many categories of jobs are mentioned in text A?

答案: B. 3.

7、 Who comprise the majority in a society according to the author?

答案: B. Labors.

8、 What makes so many people become laborers instead of workers?

答案: B. Division of labor.

9、 How do you think does technology make people laborers?

答案: B. It deprives workers of their creativity and happiness.

10、 What is the alarming consequence of this phenomenon?

答案: C. Social development will be undermined.

11、 Compared with a job, work refers to something more __.‍

答案: B. general

12、 Which of the following is the similar expression of “land a job”?

答案: D. To secure a job.

13、 When you derive contentment from what your job, you can describe it as __.

答案: A. A rewarding job.

14、 Which expression means changing one’s job?

答案: D. To switch your career.

15、 Which one emphasizes qualification and specialization?

答案: B. Profession.

16、 What does the movie clip of Modern Times try to convey?

答案: C. Workers work automatically like machines.

17、 What’s the main idea of the text?

答案: C. Category of working people and reasons behind this.

18、 Which way to deepen the understanding of a recruiting firm is not mentioned?

答案: C. Interviewers.

19、 What should an interviewee do when he is asked if he has questions?

答案: B. Ask directly.

20、 Which is inappropriate when choosing outfits for an interview?

答案: D. Pick luxurious dress.

21、 What is not suggested about punctuality?

答案:  Wear a watch on the day of interview.

22、 What should an applicant do during an interview?

答案: D. Get familiar with some common questions.

23、 Which is not mentioned as positive body language?

答案: B. Handshaking.

24、 Which is mentioned as negative body language?

答案: C. Playing with stuff.

25、 Why can Chris get the job in video clip 3?

答案: B. His honesty.

26、 In the process of interview, one should respond ____ to interview questions.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)truthfully;

27、 Unlike a laborer, a worker is _ in what he does to earn a living.
答案: interested

28、 An ideal job usually can make a person feel _.
答案: happy

29、 Playing is a way for laborers to escape from _.
答案: compulsion

30、 A _ job requires a lot of effort.
答案: demanding

31、 The theory of Karl Marx is about human _.
答案: alienation

Unit 5 Lifestyles Unit Test

1、 What is this article mainly about?

答案: Why Sara and Michael decided to simplify their life and how they simplified their life.

2、 The phrase “lost your taste” (paragraph 1) most probably means __.

答案: take no interest

3、 According to Micheal, to raise a child, most people may __.

答案: work harder in order to earn more money

4、 What do we learn about Sara and Michael?

答案: They have abandoned almost all the expensive clutter.

5、 What is the root cause for the couple to change their life style?

答案: They don’t want to limit their real life to a short time before work or after work.

6、 What is the role of paragraph 6?

答案: A connecting link between the preceding and the following.

7、 According to the passage, which of the following is true?

答案: They don’t own a TV so they are not at all tempted by new and useless things.

8、 How do they know what they really need?

答案: By screening and discarding and by being aware of what they have.

9、 What haven’t Sara and Michael given up when they have a clear idea of what they really need?

答案: basic items in their wardrobes

10、 Which of the following is not what they did to simplify life?

答案: They spent money only on bare necessities and things that sometimes make wasteful use of the earth’s resources.

11、 What have they exchanged the expenses of a commuter age for?  

答案: The time to pay attention to the quality of their lives.

12、 Which of the following statements is wrong?

答案: Sara and Micheal have their own car and boat.

13、 Why did the author say she was not very happy when she left the store $11 poorer? 

答案: She was helpless confronting her impulsive behavior.

14、 Why do we sometimes get so hard to find the resolve and courage to get off the merry-go-round? 

答案: Because of action and excitement.

15、 According to the article, what is “voluntary simplicity”? 

答案: It’s a culture, on the premise of satisfying ourselves taking the initiative to reduce consumption reasonably.

16、 What is the style of this article? 

答案: Narration interspersed with comments

17、 Sara believes that their home life is simplification, not __.
答案: deprivation

18、 A person who travels a long distance to work every day is called a ____.
答案: commuter

19、 Sara and Michael decided to spend money only on the things that contributed to their major _____.
答案: goal

20、  Although the couple don’t work harder, they can afford to live in the same _  community. 
答案: suburban

21、 In the last paragraph, the author compares people’s desire of shopping to a children’s favorite, that is, ___. 
答案: merry-go-round

Unit 6 Attitudes to Life Unit Test

1、 The author observed the following in the hospital except ___.

答案:  people are appreciating the beauty of life

2、 By saying “A man comes to this world with his fist clenched, but when he dies, his hand is open.”, the author means ___.

答案: life teaches us to hold on to it sometimes and let go of it when necessary

3、 By saying “Hold fast to life, but not so fast that you cannot let go.” , the author suggests that ___.

答案: we must accept our loses and learn how to let go

4、 After the car accident, she was sent to the hospital immediately and has been in ____ care for a whole month.

答案: intensive

5、 He is too ___ with his own experiment to notice the arrival of his friends.

答案: preoccupied

6、 Why should we learn to let go, according to the author?

答案: To let go is a part of the process of life that every one of us has to face.

7、 Why is it not an easy task for young people to learn to accept losses and to let go?

答案: Young people tend to think that the world is theirs to command.

8、 By saying “Life is never just being. It is a becoming, a relentless flowing on. ”, the author tends to tell us that ___.

答案: we should learn to be reconciled to life’s contradictory demands





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