美国文学导读(华中农业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Week 1 Introduction and Early Romanticism Quiz for Week 1

1、 Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the__.

答案: American Enlightenment

2、 Who was NOT regarded as the “School-room Poets”

答案: Edgar Allen Poe.

3、 Which of the following is a work by Washington Irving

答案: A History of New York

4、 From 1732 to 1758, Benjamin Franklin wrote and published his famous__, an annual collection of proverbs.

答案: Poor Richard’s Almanac

5、 Which of the following is a poem by William Cullen Bryant

答案: “Thanatopsis”

6、 Which of the following is NOT a writer of American Romanticism

答案: Mark Twain

7、 Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book, of which the most famous and anthologized are_and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

答案: “Rip Van Winkle”

8、 Which of the following is a unique feature of American Romanticism

答案: American landscape as the subject matter.

9、 __ is said to be the father of American short story and American Goldsmith.

答案: Washington Irving

10、 The early settlers came to America for different reasons. They do NOT include__.

答案: climatic reason

11、 The American Puritans were mainly__.

答案: Calvinists

12、 “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” revealed the Calvinist belief of__.

答案: Jonathan Edwards

13、 “God’s excellency … seemed to appear in everything; in the sun, moon and stars; in the clouds, and the blue sky; in the grass, flowers, trees…” This is the quotation of__.

答案: Jonathan Edwards

14、 The 13 virtues, which are temperance, silence, order, resolution…and chastity, are recorded in__.

答案: The Autobiography

15、 A History of New York was supposed to be written by a Dutch historian named__.

答案: Diedrich Knickerbocker

16、 Which of the following is a proper description of Rip’s personality

答案: He is an idler who refuses to labor in his own

17、 The first novel by James F. Cooper is__.

答案: Precaution.

18、 Which of the following is true about Cooper’s reputation

答案: By 1851, he was more criticized in the U. S.
than in Europe.

19、 __ was the last of the Mohican tribe in The Last of the Mohicans.

答案: Chingachgook

20、 Fireside poets got the name mainly because__.

答案: their poems were read by people at fireside
during the family reading hour

Week 2 Transcendentalism and Romantic Poets Quiz for Week 2

1、 Who wrote the little book Nature, which is a long essay

答案: Ralph Waldo Emerson

2、 Which poem contains the lines, ” And I had put away / My labor and my leisure too, / For His Civility-“

答案: “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”


3、 Who wroteLeaves of Grass

答案: Walt Whitman

4、 In what century did Walt Whitman live

答案: nineteenth

5、 Who did Whitman memorialize in “O Captain My Captain”

答案: Abraham Lincoln

6、 Other than singing, what are the good folks of the poem “I Hear America Singing” up to

答案: Working

7、 What are the mechanics’ voices in the poem “I Hear America Singing” like

答案: ”blithe and strong”

8、 What does the carpenter do in the poem “I Hear America Singing”, besides singing

答案: ”measures his plank or beam”

9、 Where is the boatman singing in the poem “I Hear America Singing”

答案: In his boat

10、 How long does the ploughboy work in the poem “I Hear America Singing”

答案: From morning till sundown

11、 How do the workers in the poem “I Hear America Singing” feel about their songs

答案: They feel a sense of ownership about them

12、 Who lived in the woods of Massachusetts and wrote a book calledWaldenabout the experience

答案: Henry David Thoreau

13、 Emily Dickinson lived the life of a recluse by the Pond Walden.

答案: 错误

14、 The Dial was the journal founded by the Transcendentalists.

答案: 正确

15、 Unlike Whitman, Dickinson didn’t extol an emergent America, its expansion, its individualism and its Americanness in her poems.

答案: 错误

16、 Among Dickinson’s 1775 poems, only a few were published after she died.

答案: 错误

17、 Death is personified as a gentleman caller or suitor in the poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”.

答案: 正确

18、 Walt Whitman likes capitalizing many words and using dashes here and there in his poems.

答案: 错误

19、 Compared with Thoreau who was a great thinker, Emerson was a great experimentalist who put Transcendental doctrines into practice in the actual life.

答案: 错误

20、 The famous metaphor “transparent eye-ball” appears in the “Introduction” of Nature.

答案: 错误

作业Week 3 Dark Romanticism Assignment for Week 3

1、 What is the symbolic meaning of the whale inthenovelMobyDick Try to illustrate your points with examples from the novel.
评分规则: 参考答案:1)For Captain Ahab,
the whale symbolizes pure evil, and he feels that it is his duty to take that
evil out of the world. 2)For the crew of
the ship, the whale is a convenient subject for legend and an easy scapegoat
for all of their worries. Instead of talking about their own fears, they talk
about the whale.3)Other interpretations of the whale have included seeing it as Death,
given its white color and its fatal effects on all who encounter it; as a
distant, deist view of a distant God; as the coming growth of white colonialism
and economic pillaging of the undeveloped world.评分指导1清晰明确地写出了白鲸的象征。 (3分)





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