商务英语口译(常州大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.1 “口译的定义” 测验

1、 Which of the following definitions is NOT correct about interpreting? 

答案: It requires low level of accuracy, fluency and speed.

2、 Which statement is true about the relationship between interpreting from translation? 

答案: Interpreting is an oral form of translation and thus can also be called oral translation.

3、 What are the three features of interpreting?

答案: real-time, independence, and stressfulness

4、 Interpreting is an oral form of translation service that offers a (n) __ for the real-time cross-linguistic communication.

答案: bridge

5、 To handle the great pressure caused by the live setting and self-reliance mode of interpreting, the interpreters should __. 

答案: stay calm and focused, and keep attentions

Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.2 “口译的类型” 测验

1、 ______ is a kind of two-way interpreting and bilateral interpreting. The interpreter switches back and forth between the two languages. The interpreter usually translates sentences rather than paragraphs for both parties involved in the conversation. 

答案: alternating interpreting

2、 ______ is a kind of one-way interpreting, in which the interpreter is required to translate the speech into the target language while the speaker is presenting the original text (i.e., virtually at the same time).

答案: simultaneous interpreting

3、 ______ literally involves grabbing a text that is written in a given language A and translating it verbally into a given language B.

答案: sight interpreting

4、 Sign language interpreting is essentially carried out in the ______ mode. 

答案: simultaneous

5、 In terms of operating direction, what can interpreting be divided into_____?

答案: one-way interpreting;
two-way interpreting

Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.3 “口译的标准(1)” 测验

1、 Please choose the best interpretation for the Chinese sentence “今天,我们的时间很有限,请想要提问的记者朋友们抓紧时间。”

答案: Every minute counts. Questions, please.

2、 Translation criterion is         .

答案: a measure of the quality of translation products;
a standard that any translation activity should follow;
a goal that translators should strive to achieve

3、 Criteria of written translation are         .

答案: faithfulness;

4、 Criteria of interpreting are         .

答案: faithfulness;

5、 The interpretation should be faithful to the original speech in         .

答案: style;

Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.3 “口译的标准(2)” 测验

1、 Please choose the best interpretation for the Chinese sentence “正是本着共同繁荣的原则,近几年来两国合资公司相继成立。”

答案: It is in the spirit of mutual prosperity that more and more joint ventures have been established.

2、 Please choose the best interpretation for the Chinese sentence “这本书太难,我读不懂。”

答案: The book is beyond me.

3、 Please choose the best interpretation for our State Councillor Yang Jiechi’s sentence in the China-U.S. high-level Strategic Dialogue in Alaska: “我们中国人不吃这一套。”

答案: It’s not the way to deal with Chinese people.

4、 Please choose the interpretations for the Chinese sentence in greeting “你吃了吗?你去哪?”

答案: Hello!;
How are you?;
How are you doing?;
How is everything going? 

5、 Please choose the better interpretations for the Chinese sentence “高楼大厦如雨后春笋般拔地而起。”

答案: High buildings have mushroomed.;
High buildings have sprung up.

Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.4 “口译的过程” 测验

1、 In the interpreting process, to achieve the efficient input of message, the interpreter should first __. 

答案: adopt active listening

2、 For grasping the meaning, the interpreter should understand __.  

答案: not only the language but also the culturally burdened idioms or phrases, and the context

3、 The key to the efficient memorizing of the received message is __. 

答案: memorize the key words

4、 The step of “reorganizing” is to realize  __.

答案: the fluency both in meaning and in style

5、 The “reproducing” step focuses on the final delivery of the processed message in an acceptable way to the __. 

答案: listener

Part One Introduction to Interpreting 1.5 “译员的素养” 测验

1、 A competent bilingual is a qualified interpreter.

答案: 错误


2、 Interpreters’ job is finding equivalent words in another language.

答案: 错误

3、 The richer an interpreter is in his background knowledge, the more accurate his interpretation will be. 

答案: 正确

4、 The female interpreter in the drama has no respect for her job.

答案: 正确

5、 Interpreters must keep their clients’ business secrets.

答案: 正确

Part Two Interpreting Techniques 2.1 “口译听辨” 测验

1、 Listening and information receiving technique in interpreting is exactly the same technique we use in normal listening exercises.

答案: 错误

2、 The purpose of listening and information receiving technique is to help interpreters’ memory to complete the final interpretation production.

答案: 正确

3、 Retelling is a good way to train the listening and information receiving technique.

答案: 正确

4、 Getting key words is the only way of helping interpreters listen to and receive information.

答案: 错误

5、 When interpreters listen to and receive information, their attention should be paid to the meaning of the source speech.

答案: 正确

Part Two Interpreting Techniques 2.2 “口译笔记(2)” 测验

1、 Words that interpreters need to write down in note-taking are key words in source speech.

答案: 正确

2、 The language that can be used in note-taking can be both source language and target language.

答案: 正确

3、 Using abbreviations and symbols in note-taking is a very practical and effective way to record the source information.

答案: 正确

4、 In note-taking, interpreters cannot create new abbreviations and symbols. Instead, they can only use existing abbreviations and symbols. 

答案: 错误

5、 The more symbols interpreters use in note-taking, the more information they can record.

答案: 错误

Part Two Interpreting Techniques 2.2 “口译笔记(3)” 测验

1、 During note-taking, a lot of blank space on the notebook page should be left, which is helpful for interpreters to supplement the missing information at any time.

答案: 正确

2、 Interpreters should take notes to record every piece of source information, not just the main points.

答案: 错误

3、 When taking notes in interpreting, interpreters should write from the leftmost position of a line on notebook to the rightmost before changing to the next line.

答案: 错误





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